I was the lead Web Artist and designer for h1z1.com. I was also the lead designer on the original "teaser" site for H1Z1 that became very well known for Easter eggs, codes, and hidden panoramic images of in-game screenshots I took while gathering web content. It was a simple one page site with subtle animations that would give the user ARG puzzles to solve. It was a lot of fun and I'm fairly positive not all of them have been found.
No UI or styleguide existed for the game so I had to come up with something that would fit the vibe of the game.
A few of the many panoramic shots we hid in the ARG that a lot of H1Z1 fans had fun finding.
Very little actual in-game content existed when I first started the project and I had to create the UI on my own. I worked directly with the game development team and AV team to create our own photoshoots and grab screenshots in order to generate interest in the upcoming game. H1Z1 launched on Steam Early Access on February 15, 2015.